Yoni Steam Baths

  • The Steaming Journey

    Steaming isn’t a linear. Steaming is a journey that changes through the seasons of life. It is there to support you through your life as you experience the ever changing river of life.

  • Custom Herbal Blends

    Each client receives a consultation and intake form to help understand what they are trying to achieve through yoni steaming. Custom herbal blends are then selected and a steam plan is made. Clients receive personal one-on-one care and support through their journey.

  • Make It A Group Experience

    Feeling like a party? Grab five of your closest goddesses and book a steam party. This includes everything you need to steam in the comfort of the host’s home. Each person will receive a personal consultation prior to the party.

Why Steam?

Steaming is an ancient art that has been used for centuries to help heal all types of symptoms connected to the uterus. From young girls, to the journey of fertility & postpartum & menopause yoni steaming can help every phase of your divine feminine energy


Contact us.

(575) 491-7504