Basic Placenta Encapsulation

From culture to culture the placenta is regarded with healing qualities & respect as the infants first home. Many cultures use the healing properties of the placenta to help nourish the new mother after 10 months of providing nourishment to the child. It’s not just a trend, for thousands of years women have been consuming their placentas.

Wise elders have passed on the knowledge of consuming your placenta as a way to:

Aid and quicken the healing process

Establish a bountiful milk supply

Nourish the body.

We now hear testimonials from mothers in our online groups & close friends about how they aren’t crying as much, their energy is replenished, and their incisions and tears are healing better than their first.

The basic encapsulation package includes a soft cooler, full preparation, storage container, written instructions for proper storage, handling, ingestion & a cord keepsake-$175


What Are The Benefits?


Full Placenta Package